Friday, May 10, 2013


The other day one of my students asked me to go to the cinema to see the latest American Disney movie ... then and there I fixed it gingerly between the serious and the facetious because as you well know I'm not the kind of person that can be interested in that kind of movies and even less for the cinema in general (I prefer to read a book).
But at the continuous and vexing requests and when He told me which was the movie in question I agreed.

IRON MAN 3 (I hope the number is right)
You should know that years ago for a certain period  I became interested in American comics  and the possibility about this mechanical hero transposed to the big screen intrigued me a lot.
Omitting the judgments about the movie , needless to say that the film is a crazy bullshit, the thing that struck me most was the figure of the Mandarin.
In the  the comics he represented the ancient Chinese magic and the wisdom that were going to collide with the technology and the typical Yankee exuberance  ,It created a great fight between the hero and the opponent.
In this film, the Mandarin was .......... ARABIC!!

(Or so it would seem to the public)

Now I understand that the U.S. government subsidies that works with cunning and the objective is to represent enemies the characters from the hostile countries  and allies represented as friends, but a Mandarin Arabic is completely absurd!
Has something to do with the fact  that China has bought half the U.S. public debt?
Has something to do with the fact that the Arabs have nothing to complain about and should always pass for the bad guys?
Come on a Mandarin Arabic is really ridiculous...
The worst thing was that the film was also trying to give a moral about the monsters created to frighten people by the media and the political parties ... well they should start from their own.

I recommend everyone to avoid this crap and to go outside for a good walk.


  1. Disney helps shape children's views of right and wrong, their morality.
    That's It

  2. It's the best Iron Man movie but not the best Marvel movie, The Avengers is
